03.09.2013 Conversion to OrCAD
The conversion is complete: We are now using internally Cadence OrCAD/Allegro for schematic and layout.
21.12.2010 First R16 Boards
Finally after a long development our new flagship mobile recorder is seeing the light of the day! Sixteen video channels with H.264 compression, five processors, more than eleven CPUs. This will be exciting!
21.10.2009 Server Conversion
Our new server for the conversion of dedicated services to virtual machines has arrived.
16.07.2004 SDSL connection
Finally our SDSL connection works properly. This hopefully leverages the usage of our web server to be more pleasure for our customers.
14.07.2004 Moving to new office in Friesenweg
It's done: We moved into our new, modern office space in Friesenweg 2 in Hamburg Bahrenfeld.